(ISG authors in bold type)
Fletcher J, Mazumder B, Lu Q, Song J. “Understanding Sibling Correlations in Education: Molecular Genetics and Family Background.” 2021.
Fletcher JM, Wu Y, Zhao Z, Lu Q. “The production of within-family inequality: Insights and implications of integrating genetic data.” 2020 Jun.
Li JJ, Zhang Q, Lu Q. “RDoC Mechanisms of Transdiagnostic Polygenic Risk for Trajectories of Depression: From Early Adolescence to Adulthood.” 2020 Apr.
Moore AM, Filshtein TJ, Dumitrescu L, Harrati A, Lu Q, et al. “A/T/N polygenic risk score for cognitive decline in old age.” 2019 Nov.
Fletcher JM. “Decoupling Genetics from Attainments: The Role of Social Environments.” 2019 Oct.
Gard AM, Ware EB, Hyde LW, Schmitz LL, Faul J, Mitchell C. “Assessing the Structure and Specificity of Polygenic Scores for Psychiatric Disorders in a Population-based Cohort of Older Adults.” 2019 Apr.