Initiative in Social Genomics faculty member Qiongshi Lu and colleagues show the link between genetics and disease is not always straightforward.
Researchers convene to discuss social genomics during second annual conference
Over a hundred community members and researchers from around the world gathered to discuss the quickly growing field of social genomics during The Advances in Social Genomics Conference.
Jason Fletcher talks social genomics with Wisconsin Health News
During a recent interview, Fletcher discussed how social genomics research can be used to improve health outcomes, what’s preventing further progress, and what’s next for social genomics.
Li Awarded WARF Competition
Dr. Li was recognized with the 2024-2025 Fall Competition Award from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF).
UW–Madison’s prestigious Initiative in Social Genomics joins the La Follette School
The La Follette School of Public Affairs gained one of the world’s largest and most innovative collaboratives in the emerging field of social genomics.
Schmitz publishes study linking childhood deprivation and accelerated aging later in life
A team of researchers found that being deprived of a nurturing childhood environment is associated with accelerated biological aging at older ages.
La Follette professors help inaugurate social genomics conference
Jason Fletcher and Lauren Schmitz helped organize the inaugural The Advances in Social Genomics Conference.
Schmitz advances aging research with groundbreaking Malawi project
Assistant Professor Lauren Schmitz and her team of researchers were awarded a National Institute on Aging grant for their work on the Malawi Longitudinal Study of Families and Health.
Fletcher interview with the American Society of Health Economists
ASHEcon’s Kosali Simon discusses the frontier of sociogenetics research with Jason Fletcher.
New study led by Fletcher advances understanding of geographic health disparities
By looking at where people were born instead of where they ultimately move to and die, geographic disparities in mortality look different, according to a new study by Jason Fletcher.